Sunday, February 21, 2016

Micheal Dlouhy - Ken's Think and Grow Ricch Lessons - Chapter 14 - The Sixth Sense

Chapter 14 The Sixth Sense
Think and Grow Rich, Chapter 14

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In June of 2002 I was driving to work one night in heavy rain. Headed southbound on Connecticut Route 169, my Jeep Cherokee slammed onto a large puddle caused by a backed-up storm drain. The Jeep hydroplaned and spun out of control.

My instinct was to struggle to get control of the vehicle, but a quiet voice in my head said, “Let go.”

I relaxed my body and my grip on the wheel. The Cherokee slammed sideways into a large oak. Rescue personnel cut the Jeep’s roof away, strapped me to a backboard and lifted me straight up out of the vehicle.

I awoke in an intensive care unit and discovered I had escaped the accident with a hairline fracture in my neck and a bruised spleen. The Jeep was totaled, of course.

After spending the summer in a neck brace, I returned to work. Every time I drove in heavy rain I experienced anxiety and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

One day a sudden feeling of peace came over me, and I was told I was under protection until I fulfilled my purpose. It was revealed to me that I have not one, but two, full time Guardian Angels Their names are Michael and Gabriel.

Yes, they are the archangels. Several times, in my imaginary conversations with him, Mick corrected my pronunciation of his name: “Mick-ai-el”. He doesn’t mind if I call him Mick, as long as I don’t call him Mike or Michael.

You may wonder how I can have two archangels with me at all times? After all, these two have many responsibilities? To begin Your understanding, realize they are not corporeal beings.

I “met” a third archangel, Raphael, when I discovered he is the Guardian Angel of my granddaughter Cailynn.

I have had many “conversations” with these three. Interestingly, they each have a different personality. Raph is a Yellow, Gabe a Blue and Mick a hammered Red. I mused out loud one day why I had never heard from the fourth archangel, the Green Uriel. Maybe because, being a Green, Uriel just observes a lot and doesn’t speak up.

Then I heard a very quiet voice ask, “Who do You think has been guiding You all these years?”

I broke down in tears as I realized Uri is not my Guardian, but has always been a Guiding Angel.

I recalled an encounter I had years ago when I was in college. During a time when I was going through a major turning point in my life, I sat under Broad Street in Philadelphia waiting for a subway train. I sat quietly on a bench at the Columbia Avenue station, caught in thought.

A tall African man wearing a colorful pattered shirt sat down on the bench next to me and began a conversation by inquiring about the text books I was carrying. I don’t recall many specifics of the discussion, but when the train arrived, we road together to the City Hall station and continued our talk.

During the ride a powerful sense of peace and clarity overwhelmed me. We never exchanged names, but as the train arrived at City Hall and we prepared to exit, the man leaned close to me and quietly spoke words I’ll never forget as long as I live. When we left the train he disappeared into the crowd, and I never saw him again to this day.

His unforgettable words were, “I’m not Your Guardian Angel. I’m just a passing stranger.”

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm

    P.S. Whether the small, quiet voice is actually Your own, that of a Guardian or Guiding Angel, or the voice of God, it matters not. What matters is that You LISTEN.

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