Saturday, December 30, 2017

The answer is less than one ...

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training Forever.

The answer is less than one ...

Think back on the last three programs you joined. How dependable were those who were in leadership? Were they there for you? Would they have been willing to help you even if you were not making them a dime? Think hard.

Time's up. I can almost bet what your number was. For most people it is usually less than one. Why is that? What is it about leaders in this industry who only want to help you when they know they will benefit first?

Marcello Lisi has some great insights that he discovered from Success In Ten Steps. This is one story you will not want to over look. To read his story, go to:

The Success In 10 Steps ebook has become the number one business tool in the network marketing profession.  This ebook was literally the starting point of my own Network Marketing success story. This is why I recommend this ebook to all marketers. -->>

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Most people who read this book save years of failure and frustration when trying to create an income from home. Download NOW -->>

The Kinesiology or Muscle test

This 7 minute video will help you determine the quality of anything you swallow. You may find it at There are two sets of information in this video. The first part may save you lots of money when purchasing products to consume. The Kinesiology test is accurate 100% of the time. The second part proves, "Thoughts are Things." We create our own reality with our thoughts; positive or negative thoughts. There have been many double blind tests done with products and it works correctly EVERY time.


We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal.

We are not most people. We are a bit abnormal in that we don't pitch any deal.

We don't pitch anyone, because neither one of us are prospects for one another. We just want to pay it forward and help, if help is needed.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward and see how we can help a person by teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other, so we require a valid phone number.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

We have a free ebook download (pdf). If a valid phone number is included, all 8 weekly calls are free also.

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Always leave people better than You found them.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

2, 2, 2 books in one!

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training Forever.

2, 2, 2 books in one!

When the right people read "Success In 10 Steps", they get excited. The experiences and information in the ebook speak to their heart. They recognize themselves in the description.

The result is, you wind up talking to a person who is probably exactly the person you want to work with, to help build their business - and yours. This book speaks to warriors, and they respond to it. Winning at network market1ng is always a battle, so you need people who will never, never quit. You need warriors.

But "Success In 10 Steps" is more. It also trains your warriors in exactly the right way to build their bus1ness. What to do, what not to do. And best of all, nobody has to become a salesperson. Just listen to the person's frustrations, and then point out the chapter of the book where they can get help.

If all you need to do is point, then truly, ANYONE can be successful using this ebook.
To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf
(575) 415-8671

Most people save years of failure and frustration when they read this book. It has helped 1,000s and 1,000s of people find success. Download NOW -->>

We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

YOU Are The Message!

Keep Your Company. We just offer free skills.
Skills You need to be successful.
Skills You need to be able to predict Your success in any company.

YOU Are The Message!

In MLM, people get very caught up in "What ad should I run?" And sure, some ads out-pull other ads. But the key to your success is not the ads. The key to your success is:

Can you get a steady stream of people looking for a solution to their MLM frustrations? And can you build a strong relationship with the people you talk to?

Your prospect must believe that you have a workable system, and that you can help them be successful with it ... that you truly want them to achieve their dreams. You are the message, not any ads you may run.

So you can get what you want by being who you are ... and using the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

 Mentoring For Free teachs people how to predict their success in any company, free -->>

Is Mentoring For Free really free? Not really. There is a catch!

With Mentoring For Free, you can get great training and coaching at no cost. That part is true and it is available to anyone:  the phone calls, the lead calls, the training calls. All are available to any person in any NWM company at any time for free. So yes, you can learn for free.

We encourage that. So what is the catch? Every person who benefits from Mentoring For Free is asked to pay it forward. And use their new knowledge to help their team and others.

We all volunteer our time to make a difference. If you don't understand why we should all volunteer our time, please refer to the book, "The Influencer: The Power To Change Anything".

When you read the methods of "The Influencer", you today, by changing the world, you'll be inspired also.

Make sure to read how the Delancey Street Foundation influenced the behavior by insisting every resident mentor the newest resident, even if they personally have only one more day experience.

So that's the catch! Mentoring For Free isn't free! It's free to learn, but we ask you to pass it on.
Mentoring For Free reveals why Your lack of success is not your fault -->>


We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Release the MLM Pressure Valve

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training, Forever.

Build it once, build it big and build it to pay your children's children.
We do not want to have to do it over again in 2 to 5 years.

Release the MLM Pressure Valve

Many people in MLM just don't realize that from the moment they signed up, their only real option was failure - because many network marketing companies are not designed for average people to succeed.

"Success In 10 Steps" opens a big pressure valve and the steam quickly, harmlessly blows off. You realize that it's not your fault.

When you can show a prospect how they got into a position where they could not possibly have been successful, that giant weight lifts off. They realize, "Hey! It really wasn't my fault!" And now, they are free to work with you and pursue MLM success with a much greater knowledge of what it takes to achieve that success - and with the understanding of how to evaluate one netw0rk market1ng opportunity against another, to choose the one where they have a real chance to achieve their dreams.

THAT can make all the difference in the world to them - and to your business building results.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Most people save years of failure and frustration when reading this book, download NOW -->>

We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Treasure On Your Desktop

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training Forever

Treasure On Your Desktop

What I love about the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook is, it brings me warriors.

All told, for me and everybody else who has used it since it first was introduced in 2004, the ebook has had over 120,000 downloads. And more than half those people are what I call Warriors.

They've struggled with MLM. They know they can do it and achieve the dream of financial independence, but they just haven't quite got it right yet. They have questions. Michael Dlouhy's story resonates with them. When I call them, they're happy to hear from me, because they just like to talk about this business and understand how to make it work for them.

Best of all, these are people who will never, ever, ever quit. This is exactly the person you want on your team. They are dead serious about building a network marketing business. They will not be discouraged. They will not be stopped. THAT is a warrior. That is who you want to go into battle with.

And that is why Success In 10 Steps is such a hot lead generation system. I've never seen any other MLM lead generation system that brings you this type of lead time after time after time.

We have no competion.   Download NOW -->>

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Most people save years of failure and frustration by reading this book, download NOW -->>


We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Friday, December 22, 2017

How to be the Finisher

Where you learn skills, skills, skills.
Skills needed to be successful. 

How to be the Finisher

How many times have you started something only to drop it when the first thing didn't go right? Did you know that people are natural quitters? That's right! They quit their healthy diet, they quit marriages, they quit football teams, they quit bowling teams, they quit jobs, they quit- I think you get the picture.

How can you move from being a quitter to being a finisher? To discover more on this, you need to read Tony & Melissa Casteel's story. Go to:

Once you understand what tools and training you need to succeed, you too will be a finisher in everything you do. If you want to plug into these tools and training and go the extra mile, then for details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:
The Kinesiology or Muscle test

This 7 minute video will help you determine the quality of anything you swallow. You may find it at There are two sets of information in this video. The first part may save you lots of money when purchasing products to consume. The Kinesiology test is accurate 100% of the time. The second part proves, "Thoughts are Things." We create our own reality with our thoughts; positive or negative thoughts. There have been many double blind tests done with products and it works correctly EVERY time.
Would you like to get free training on how to have a Plan B? Download my free ebook, NOW -->>


We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal.

We are not most people. We are a bit abnormal in that we don't pitch any deal.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward and see how we can help a person by teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other, so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want to give their phone number and that is alright. We only help those who are serious about learning.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Always leave people better than You found them.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

MLM Frustration Causes Success

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training Forever.

MLM Frustration Causes Success

A big reason for the effectiveness of "Success In 10 Steps" is THAT word. The ebook answers the questions of frustrated network marketers - who REALLY want their questions answered. It's eating away at them, why they just haven't made it big. They are so darned - frustrated!

I recommend you use that word in your advert1sing for "Success In 10 Steps." Use it when you talk to your leades. Pound, pound, pound on "frustrated." That word is worth its weight in gold.

Things change over time. It may not always be this way. But it definitely is true now. MLMers are frustrated, and they want answers now. Use that knowledge when you advertise to them and when you talk with them.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.
To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Servant with a Servants heart

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Is Mentoring For Free really free? Not really. There is a catch!

With Mentoring For Free, you can get great training and coaching at no cost. That part is true and it is available to anyone:  the phone calls, the lead calls, the training calls. All are available to any person in any NWM company at any time for free. So yes, you can learn for free.

We encourage that. So what is the catch? Every person who benefits from Mentoring For Free is asked to pay it forward. And use their new knowledge to help their team and others.

We all volunteer our time to make a difference. If you don't understand why we should all volunteer our time, please refer to the book, "The Influencer: The Power To Change Anything".

When you read the methods of "The Influencer", you today, by changing the world, you'll be inspired also.

Make sure to read how the Delancey Street Foundation influenced the behavior by insisting every resident mentor the newest resident, even if they personally have only one more day experience.

So that's the catch! Mentoring For Free isn't free! It's free to learn, but we ask you to pass it on.
What do you have to lose? Don't like the value, RUN! RUN! RUN!  Download NOW -->>


We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Remember, Always leave others better than You Found them.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

How To read a mind

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training Forever.

How to read a mind

How many times have you been burned? That's right. You thought you saw the light at the end of the tunnel, then BAM! Something turned it off. You found yourself holding the bag. Sound familiar?

What would have happened if you had the ability to properly analyze an opportunity before you decide to spend a dime? If that sounds like what you want, then you should check out what Paul & Ann Sorgi to say about what they've learned in Mentoring For Free. To read Paul & Ann's story, go to:

If you want to learn more about some of Success In Ten Steps' One-Two Punch, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Get personal growth training free forever download NOW -->>

Is Mentoring For Free really free? Not really. There is a catch!

With Mentoring For Free, you can get great training and coaching at no cost. That part is true and it is available to anyone:  the phone calls, the lead calls, the training calls. All are available to any person in any NWM company at any time for free. So yes, you can learn for free.

We encourage that. So what is the catch? Every person who benefits from Mentoring For Free is asked to pay it forward. And use their new knowledge to help their team and others.

We all volunteer our time to make a difference. If you don't understand why we should all volunteer our time, please refer to the book, "The Influencer: The Power To Change Anything".

When you read the methods of "The Influencer", you today, by changing the world, you'll be inspired also.

Make sure to read how the Delancey Street Foundation influenced the behavior by insisting every resident mentor the newest resident, even if they personally have only one more day experience.

So that's the catch! Mentoring For Free isn't free! It's free to learn, but we ask you to pass it on.
Learn how to predict your success in any company. Download NOW -->>

We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Hot Feed and a Cold Check

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training, Forever.

Hot Feed and a Cold Check

Bob & Anna Bassett travelled thousands of miles and even walked on fire. Their feet got warmer, but their check stayed cold.

They worked five long years in a "sponsor monster" money-swap company with a pay plan so poor they ended up with a re-mortgaged house, maxed-out credit cards and a bad case of the "What's Wrong With Me's?". Sound familiar?

In 2006, they read "Success In 10 Steps." Their business turned around immediately. To read their story, click here:

If you want to learn more about some of Success In Ten Steps' One-Two Punch, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671 Cell
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

I hope you have had time to print it out and read the eBook, "Success In Ten Steps", which you requested a few days ago. it. Remember, there are only two things in life: reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Why is Michael Providing Mentoring For Free for Free?

Why is Michael giving away Mentoring For Free training, for free and the heavy hitters aren't?  Most coaches in NWM have an agenda. They charge you, some as much as $50,000 and more. Back 10 years ago, these heavy hitting coaches wanted Michael Dlouhy to fail, because if Michael Dlouhy succeeded, he would make them look bad, really bad.

Why is Michael willing to do this free and they aren't? Because he can! The heavy hitters in the industry don't want the kind of competition Michael gives them. Mentoring For Free takes away from their cash cow.

We have no competition!

There have been quite a few who have tried to copy Mentoring For Free, but it always goes back into the money deal.  It's greed and ego. That's why they fail. They want to create a system like Mentoring For Free, but they figure out a way to monetize it. This is where the problem comes in.

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal.

We are not most people. We are a bit abnormal in that we don't pitch any deal.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward and see how we can help a person by teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other, so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want to give their phone number and that is alright. We only help those who are serious about learning.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

2, 2, 2 books in one!

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training Forever.

2, 2, 2 books in one!
When the right people read "Success In 10 Steps", they get excited. The experiences and information in the ebook speak to their heart. They recognize themselves in the description.

The result is, you wind up talking to a person who is probably exactly the person you want to work with, to help build their business - and yours. This book speaks to warriors, and they respond to it. Winning at network market1ng is always a battle, so you need people who will never, never quit. You need warriors.

But "Success In 10 Steps" is more. It also trains your warriors in exactly the right way to build their bus1ness. What to do, what not to do. And best of all, nobody has to become a salesperson. Just listen to the person's frustrations, and then point out the chapter of the book where they can get help.

If all you need to do is point, then truly, ANYONE can be successful using this ebook.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Most people save years of failure and frustration when they read this book. It has helped 1,000s and 1,000s of people find success. Download NOW -->>

We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

YOU Are The Message!

Keep Your Company. We just offer free skills.
Skills You need to be successful.
Skills You need to be able to predict Your success in any company.

YOU Are The Message!

In MLM, people get very caught up in "What ad should I run?" And sure, some ads out-pull other ads. But the key to your success is not the ads. The key to your success is:

Can you get a steady stream of people looking for a solution to their MLM frustrations? And can you build a strong relationship with the people you talk to?

Your prospect must believe that you have a workable system, and that you can help them be successful with it ... that you truly want them to achieve their dreams. You are the message, not any ads you may run.

So you can get what you want by being who you are ... and using the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

 Mentoring For Free teachs people how to predict their success in any company, free -->>

Is Mentoring For Free really free? Not really. There is a catch!

With Mentoring For Free, you can get great training and coaching at no cost. That part is true and it is available to anyone:  the phone calls, the lead calls, the training calls. All are available to any person in any NWM company at any time for free. So yes, you can learn for free.

We encourage that. So what is the catch? Every person who benefits from Mentoring For Free is asked to pay it forward. And use their new knowledge to help their team and others.

We all volunteer our time to make a difference. If you don't understand why we should all volunteer our time, please refer to the book, "The Influencer: The Power To Change Anything".

When you read the methods of "The Influencer", you today, by changing the world, you'll be inspired also.

Make sure to read how the Delancey Street Foundation influenced the behavior by insisting every resident mentor the newest resident, even if they personally have only one more day experience.

So that's the catch! Mentoring For Free isn't free! It's free to learn, but we ask you to pass it on.
Mentoring For Free reveals why Your lack of success is not your fault -->>


We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Release the MLM Pressure Valve

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training, Forever.

Build it once, build it big and build it to pay your children's children.
We do not want to have to do it over again in 2 to 5 years.

Release the MLM Pressure Valve

Many people in MLM just don't realize that from the moment they signed up, their only real option was failure - because many network marketing companies are not designed for average people to succeed.

"Success In 10 Steps" opens a big pressure valve and the steam quickly, harmlessly blows off. You realize that it's not your fault.

When you can show a prospect how they got into a position where they could not possibly have been successful, that giant weight lifts off. They realize, "Hey! It really wasn't my fault!" And now, they are free to work with you and pursue MLM success with a much greater knowledge of what it takes to achieve that success - and with the understanding of how to evaluate one netw0rk market1ng opportunity against another, to choose the one where they have a real chance to achieve their dreams.

THAT can make all the difference in the world to them - and to your business building results.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Most people save years of failure and frustration when reading this book, download NOW -->>

We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Treasure On Your Desktop

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training Forever

Treasure On Your Desktop

What I love about the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook is, it brings me warriors.

All told, for me and everybody else who has used it since it first was introduced in 2004, the ebook has had over 120,000 downloads. And more than half those people are what I call Warriors.

They've struggled with MLM. They know they can do it and achieve the dream of financial independence, but they just haven't quite got it right yet. They have questions. Michael Dlouhy's story resonates with them. When I call them, they're happy to hear from me, because they just like to talk about this business and understand how to make it work for them.

Best of all, these are people who will never, ever, ever quit. This is exactly the person you want on your team. They are dead serious about building a network marketing business. They will not be discouraged. They will not be stopped. THAT is a warrior. That is who you want to go into battle with.

And that is why Success In 10 Steps is such a hot lead generation system. I've never seen any other MLM lead generation system that brings you this type of lead time after time after time.

We have no competion.   Download NOW -->>

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Most people save years of failure and frustration by reading this book, download NOW -->>

We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Bulletproof your income

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training, Forever.

Bulletproof your income

What if you started building an MLM bus1ness, and then your company went belly-up? Don't laugh - it has happened to many, many people in this bus1ness. What would you do? Would you have to start over from scratch?

Well - NOT if you have strong trusting relationships with your people! If you have taken the time and made the effort to build that steel-ribbed "know, like, & trust," then your people will stick with you. They will follow you to your next company. They will trust in your judgment.

If you haven't built those relationships, your future is very much in doubt. Why take that chance? As you build your team, work hard at getting close to every person in your group. That strategy will pay off for you big-time, whether your current company is around forever or not.

I can help you learn and apply this principle. If you would like to plug into our ongoing, live trainings, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heartt

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Why does Michael give this MFF training away free?

His first two companies blew up. So he set out to find out what worked in this industry of Network Marketing. He joined over 100 companies, then became a consultant for company owners to find out what they were thinking and how they ran their companies.

What he found out was many many of the company owners were just interested in lining their own pockets with money. It was all greed and ego. This was when he created the 5 Pillars. Once he became debt free, about 14 or 15 years ago he went to a Tom "Big Al" Schreiter's weekend seminar in Houston. He got the idea for a system that has evolved into Mentoring For Free. He gave his plan to 5 of the top heavy hitters in the NWM industry at that time and asked their opinion.

The absolutely said "DO NOT DO THIS." They were all about greed and ego and told Michael they have a cash cow out there, why would Michael want to do such a thing. Michael has never spoken to them again. He wanted to create a system to train people. To give them the skills they needed to be successful.

That is what we have today. This current version of the software was rolled out July 4, 2016. There are still quite a few features to be released. It will continue to get better and better.

It is what Michael is all about, giving back. We can't continue to take, take, take. We must give back.

As Zig Ziglar said, "Help enough other people get what they want, and you will get what you want."

My agenda is to give you more support than your company give you.

My Mission Statement at the bottom of says it all. People join people, not companies.


We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

You'll Never Get Rich Selling An MLM Opportunity

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads?
Get free MLM Training, Forever.

You'll Never Get Rich Selling An MLM Opportunity

In today's market, you cannot build a long-term successful MLM business by selling the opportunity. Even if you are a superstar salesperson, the fact is - over 90% of everyone else is not. They hate sales. And they will not be able to sell the opportunity, no matter how much sales training and "RAH! RAH!" courses you may give them. so they will disappear.

"Success In 10 Steps" solves that problem. When you advertise the ebook, your target "frustrated MLMers" market will download it. Many will see themselves and their own story in the book, and they will want to talk about it.

It's easy to build relationships with the people who identify with this book. No selling necessary. As you build relationships, you build your network. Bring value into their lives, and some of them will want to work with you. Then just tell them their options & let them decide.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and LucyShoaf
(575) 415-8671
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

The Kinesiology or Muscle test

This 7 minute video will help you determine the quality of anything you swallow. You may find it at There are two sets of information in this video. The first part may save you lots of money when purchasing products to consume. The Kinesiology test is accurate 100% of the time.
The second part proves, "Thoughts are Things." We create our own reality with our thoughts; positive or negative thoughts. There have been many double blind tests done with products and it works correctly EVERY time.
Find out much more, all free, forever. Download my free ebook at


We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!