Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Michael Dlouhy's Think and Grow Rich Lessons - Tuula - Chapter 15 - How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

Chapter 15 - How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

From Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich

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On the Saturday night Coaches Corner call someone mentioned there is danger and there is fear. I believe we sometimes confuse our fears with danger.

When we are in danger we are in a position of having to outrun a bear or watch as we walk so we don’t get too close to the edge of a cliff.  Both situations could put us in a dangerous position.

Fear on the other hand is what we create in our own minds. It is not real.  There is no bear and there is no cliff but we convince ourselves the bear and the cliff are real.

As we build our business we offer people the opportunity to make extra income or take advantage of good products to make their lives better.   We do this by either speaking with them or offering them our business card.  For some this is easy to do and for others it is not so easy to do and why is there a difference?

The difference is we take our fear and change it into a danger. So how do we do that?  We do it in our mind.

We no longer see a potential customer or a potential business partner, we see the “Bear” and we tell ourselves we are in danger.  The danger is in being criticized and we don’t want to have them say “No” because we take it personally and think they are rejecting us when in fact they are just rejecting the offer.

To me, speaking up on the calls was the same as confronting a HUGE bear.  I would be in Danger.  I convinced myself I couldn’t go there and we can convince ourselves of anything.

We reach a point in our life where we just have to make a decision. Are we going to stay where we really don’t want to be Or are we going to take the courage to do what we really want to do anyway?

The title to this Chapter is “How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear”. There is only one way to outwit the ghosts of fear and that is to make the decision to just DO IT!

I forced myself to speak up on the calls.  Was it easy? No it was not easy, but the amazing thing was, that BIG Bear began to shrink in size every time I spoke up and eventually that bear just disappeared.

Hill tells that there is an evil that is more fatal than the six ghosts of fear and that evil is susceptibility to negative influences. When we classify our fear as a danger we are exposing ourselves to this fatal and evil susceptibility of negative influences and we are the ones creating this negative influence of the “Bear” in our own minds. They say the way to confront a bear when you meet one is to make yourself as big as you can, stand your ground and make a lot of noise. Is that easy to do?   No, it is not easy to do but our life may just depend on it.

There is danger and there is fear. Let us not claim the danger or the fear and instead let us be “Ten foot tall and bullet proof” by being as big as we can, stand our ground and make a lot of noise.


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