Monday, February 15, 2016

Michael Dlouhy Think and Grow Rich by Napopeon Hill Chapter 9 Pereistnce

Think and Grow Rich Lessons Chapter 9 Persistence

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Chapter 9—Peristence

Michael Dlouhy has shared his success secret thousands of times:

“Don’t Quit.”

Two simple words that reveal those who will make it to the top, and those who probabably won't.

“Don’t Quit” means staying true to my commitment to network marketing success, no matter if my business is growing or not.  The next distributor you enroll may be a rock star.

“Don’t Quit” means being committed to the Journey.  Like any worthy journey, there are ups and downs, ebbs and flows.  Our character is tested and sharpened each step of the way.

“Don’t Quit” means consistently joining the conference calls and contributing.  There are times when being on a call requires saying, “Not now” to something else.  We can do anything, but we can’t do EVERYTHING.

“Don’t Quit” means continually developing skills to share my product and opportunity.

“Don’t Quit” means staying committed to my monthly autoship. No matter what.

“Don’t Quit” means staying coachable.  As soon as someone become un-coachable, they typically go MIA .  The Persistent ones remain in a constant place of learning. Sometimes we think we know a particular subject well, and then a light bulb goes off.  Something brand new opens up to us that we had never seen before. Without Persistence, we would have missed it.

“Don’t Quit” means developing the habit of doing something every day to grow my network. It means finding creative ways of introducing people to my products or opportunity.

“Don’t Quit."  If I want Persistent people to join my business, I must be a Persistent person myself.  The qualities I seek in my current and future team members MUST be showing up in my life, too.

Easy? No.

Essential? Absolutely, but the REWARD is totally worth it.


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