Friday, April 14, 2017

Think and Grow Rich, Chapter 14: The Sixth Sense

Chapter 14 - The Sixth Sense

Jane gets out her toolbox and places it on the table and just looks at it.  It makes her feel happy and warm inside as she looks at the pictures of the people she had interacted with and remembers the times she spent with them or just talking with them. She then opens her toolbox and takes out her calender and looks at the appointments she has for the day and again looks at each persons picture and thinks about the things that person wants to accomplish and figures out how she can help that person.  Her sixth sense tells her about things she could suggest and share with the individual to help her people and as she listens to them her sixth sense helps her answer and guide the individual.

Sally goes to get her toolbox and does not remember where she placed the toolbox.  So a lot of her time is spent looking for the toolbox. Maybe it is under all the papers on the desk or maybe she left it in the living room so she spends a lot of time going from room to room searching.  She finally stops and stands still and her sixth sense tells her where she left the toolbox and then she can decide what she feels like doing about her business and who she feels like talking with that day.

Trudy knows exactly where her toolbox is because Trudy has a place for everything and everything is in its place. Trudy analyzes the list of people in her Excel sheet and her appointment calander on the computer to see who she needs to connect with and what she should be doing with them.  Trudy answers or directs each client to what they need and makes an appointment with them for the next session. Trudy has learned she needs to listen more and is developing her sixth sense so she will be able to build a closer relationship with the people she is talking with.

Sandra has her toolbox. It is one she had custom made so it would co-ordinate with all her other business tools and as she walks into her office she can see her toolbox on her desk readily available to begin the day.  She checked her appointments the night before so she is ready to keep things on schedule and has qualified the prospects she will be talking with. Sandra has used her sixth sense to look at the business opportunities that have been presented to her and only participates in the ones that make the most money.

Hill described the sixth sense as "that unknown something".  We all have that "unknown something" at some level and we can develop it or ignore it. It all comes down again to the choices we make in how we utilize this tool in our toolbox.

Tuula Rands
Lesson from our Think and Grow Rich Lessons as we study Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich
If You had access “TODAY” to the “ONE” thing that ALL 500 of the richest people in the world have in common and it was available TODAY at NO cost to You, would You want access to it ?

When writing Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill interviewed 500 of the richest people of their day and “ALL 500” had “ONE THING” in common, they All had access to a Master Mind Team.

Michael and Linda Dlouhy created a Master Mind Team that has been meeting twice a week for over 15 years, Your only cost is Your “TIME” being on the call. When You Participate on the calls, You will get all Your questions answered in this amazing Master Mind setting.

The personal growth that can come out of this training can be life changing, if you are COACHABLE. Being COACHABLE will give You a deeper realization of the steps required for success.

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