Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"Success In 10 Steps" - The cover story

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"Success In 10 Steps" - The cover story

People who publish ebooks want a memorable cover. I'll bet you've seen a ton of ebook covers over the years. Quick - describe one!

OK. I'll do it. It's Michael Dlouhy in his trademark Hawaiian shirt, his arm around Linda, the 2 of them sitting ocean side on the Gulf of Mexico as the sun goes down. Inserted in the lower left-hand corner is another photo of the 2 of them walking down the beach, and you can see their footsteps in the sand.

I saw it and thought, "Holy mackerel! I have NEVER seen any ebook with a cover like this!" This cover sent the perfect message: MLM is a relationship business. Anyway, as soon as I saw it, I knew it was special.

I can't tell you how many times I've mentioned "Success In 10 Steps" to a prospect who says, "Gosh. I have so many ebooks. I don't remember that one." And so I say, "Well, it's got the guy & his wife sitting in front of the ocean at sunset." And the prospect says (every time), "Oh, THAT one. Sure I remember THAT one."

The cover of "Success In 10 Steps" is one of the bits of magic that makes the book so powerful.

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To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
A Mentor with a Servants Heart

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