Thursday, April 20, 2017

Cold calling stinks

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Cold calling stinks

Let's be blunt. Cold calling stinks! There has got to be a better way. I am glad to tell you that there is a better way. It is called the "Color To Success" CD Training.

So what do colors have to do with your success level?

How can understanding colors allow you to potentially see up to a 300% increase in your response rate?

Color To Success is a unique approach to helping you have success in contacting prospects. Most people think it is all about having a great ability to close the deal, to make that prospect yank out their wallet and buy right now. This sounds good, but really misses a vital key to long term success.

What is the key to having long term success?

It first starts with understanding the type of business you are really promoting. Many people believe it is all about having the best product or service. Others think it is about having a fancy web site or a 20 page full color brochure.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

It's not about what you are "selling", but it is something so simple that most people will completely overlook it. In fact, once you see and understand the simple principles that are shared on this CD, you will be amazed at how you will be able to go from having to hear 100+ No's every day to dealing with a high number of Yes's.

If you are ready to discover what you are really promoting and to get the prospects to enjoy your calling them, then go to:

The Success In 10 Steps ebook has become the number one business tool in the network marketing profession.  This ebook was literally the starting point of my own Network Marketing success story. This is why I recommend this ebook to all marketers. -->>

To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart

PS: If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

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