Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Questions Your Prospects Ask

It is key to make your network marketing business as duplicatable as possible. And the less you have to talk, the more duplicatable it gets. The ability to use the Success In 10 Steps ebook and just point to sections that answer certain questions or to sections that would be valuable to people makes your life a lot simpler.

The format of the ebook has been very successful. It's had over 107,000 downloads in the past 4 years. A lot of people have used Success In 10 Steps to generate leads and build an MLM business. It is set up to make it easy for people to do network marketing. You don't have to be an expert at anything. You hardly even need to be able to answer any questions.

We know the 3 questions people most ask when they're looking for a business:

    Is this something I can do?
    Can I make money at it?
    Can you help me?

For them to answer question #1 positively, the business has to be really simple. And it's important to show them that it's going to be simple for them to give this system to the people they bring into the business.

They may not be thinking that far ahead. But as soon as you point out to them that they have to be able to give THEIR prospects a simple system or their business will not duplicate, they know that is true.

On page 10 of Success In 10 Steps, Michael Dlouhy talks about the 100 MLM companies that he joined. It's a good story that can answer several different questions.

Most of the people who download the STS ebook are people who have already been in network marketing, but who have struggled with the business. They're looking for answers. They don't know why they haven't been successful. They know it's not because somebody else is smarter than they are. They are frustrated.

So Michael joining 100 different MLM businesses to kind of get an idea of how the whole thing works resonates with them. It makes sense to do that. And it helps give your prospect some background that helps them see all the value they can possibly get from reading this ebook.

Page 10 is definitely one of the sections I would point out to prospects. Again, when you only need to point someone to a page in the book to answer their questions and gain credibility, it becomes obvious that this is a very easy business to do.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at 575-491-4782 or send me an email to mffworks@gmail.com with your name, phone number, and the best time to call.

To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf

PS: If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Is Mentoring For Free really free? Not really. There is a catch!

With Mentoring For Free, you can get great training and coaching at no cost. That part is true and it is available to anyone:  the phone calls, the lead calls, the training calls. All are available to any person in any NWM company at any time for free. So yes, you can learn for free.

We encourage that. So what is the catch? Every person who benefits from Mentoring For Free is asked to pay it forward. And use their new knowledge to help their team and others.

We all volunteer our time to make a difference. If you don't understand why we should all volunteer our time, please refer to the book, "The Influencer: The Power To Change Anything".

When you read the methods of "The Influencer", you today, by changing the world, you'll be inspired also.

Make sure to read how the Delancey Street Foundation influenced the behavior by insisting every resident mentor the newest resident, even if they personally have only one more day experience.

So that's the catch! Mentoring For Free isn't free! It's free to learn, but we ask you to pass it on.

Get lesson 1 here -->  http://BobShoaf.SuccessIn10Steps.com

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