Sunday, October 5, 2014

Writing Ads To Get MLM leads

Take a look at the index for the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook by
Michael Dlouhy. You will see 93 - count ëem! - 93 bullets under
the 10 chapter headings.

The purpose of every one of these bullets is to give you an idea
for the first sentence of a classified ad designed to get the
reader to downl0ad the ebook ... which is a lead for you. Every
single bullet has some element in it that might arouse a
prospect's curiousity - and YOU have the ability to make these
bullets even more effective.

When you advertise your ebook to get leads, go over the Index.
Read all the bullet points and see if one or two really grab
your attention. Jot down a short list of keywords - e.g., leads,
prospects, extra income, money from home, etc. - and read down
the list of Index bullets.

What NEW ideas do you come up with for headl1nes or class1fied
ads? What nugget can you get that would really get someone's

I've never seen any other book or ebook in network market1ng
written like this - to include all these possible ad wording
ideas for you. You are certainly free to come up with your own
ads. But as you play around with the "Success In 10 Steps"
index, you might discover a real winner that rivets people's
attention and gets you the prospects you want.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will
need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that
for them, and for yourself. For details, call me at (575) 491-4782
or send me an email to with your name, phone
number, and the best time to call, so you can learn how you can
start applying step one today.

To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

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