Sunday, March 19, 2017

MLM and Boy Scouts

Frustrated with your MLM results?
MLM Leads? Get free MLM Training Forever.
Keep Your Company. We just offer free skills.

MLM and Boy Scouts

I'll be sometime in your life you've read or heard the Boy Scout Oath:

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

I think it's a good model for a network marketer, too. Next time you read "Success In 10 Steps", consider what you read and how you'll build your MLM business in relation to the Boy Scout Oath. I bet you'll have one or two Ah-HA! moments.

To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself. For details, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf
(575) 415-8671
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Mentoring For Free provides You more value in their 9 weekly training calls than most of the heavy hitters who charge upwards of $50,000 and more, and we do it for free forever. Go to -->>

Why does Michael give this MFF training away free?

His first two companies blew up. So he set out to find out what worked in this industry of Network Marketing. He joined over 100 companies, then became a consultant for company owners to find out what they were thinking and how they ran their companies.

What he found out was many many of the company owners were just interested in lining their own pockets with money. It was all greed and ego. This was when he created the 5 Pillars. Once he became debt free, about 14 or 15 years ago he went to a Tom "Big Al" Schreiter's weekend seminar in Houston. He got the idea for a system that has evolved into Mentoring For Free. He gave his plan to 5 of the top heavy hitters in the NWM industry at that time and asked their opinion.

The absolutely said "DO NOT DO THIS." They were all about greed and ego and told Michael they have a cash cow out there, why would Michael want to do such a thing. Michael has never spoken to them again. He wanted to create a system to train people. To give them the skills they needed to be successful.

That is what we have today. This current version of the software was rolled out July 4, 2016. There are still quite a few features to be released. It will continue to get better and better.

It is what Michael is all about, giving back. We can't continue to take, take, take. We must give back.

As Zig Ziglar said, "Help enough other people get what they want, and you will get what you want."

My agenda is to give you more support than your company give you.

My Mission Statement at the bottom of says it all. People join people, not companies.

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