Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unravelling the Mystery:  Ive seen some interesting headlines recently.  One publication led their article with A mysterious new virus is spreading like wildfire across vaccinated children in the USA.  Another read Doctors warn unprecedented back-to-school lung virus that has hospitalized hundreds of children in ten states will spread across the country.  CNN caught readers attention with Virus hitting the U.S. could be 'tip of iceberg,' CDC official says.

The virus, EV-D68, is neither mysterious nor new.  It was first isolated in California in 1962.  Prior to the current epidemic approximately 100 cases had been reported.  This doesnt mean that infections with EV-D68 havent occurred in greater numbers, however.  There are at least 100 viruses in the same family, most of which produce similar symptoms.  Physicians seldom bother to try to distinguish between them and viral typing is rarely done unless attempts are being made to track an epidemic, as is presently the case.  More than 1,000 suspected cases have occurred over the past month.

Several explanations for the outbreak have been forthcoming.  Some attribute the outbreak to the potency of this particular virus.  Others argue that it is the result of an open borders policy that allows immigrants to enter the United States without being screened for the presence of infectious diseases.  (It doesn't seem to matter that the virus has been in the country for over 50 years and that states in which the outbreak has been reported aren't those with the highest numbers of unexamined immigrants.)

I believe there is a simpler explanation.  A number of years ago I wrote:
"The common cold is, indeed, common.  It is estimated that over 500,000,000 cold episodes occur in the United States each year.  That averages out to 2.5 colds for each person.  The economic impact is enormous.
The impact of cold viruses in our society is not an indication of their great potency.  It simply demonstrates that people who make poor dietary choices, lack physical activity, and are profoundly deficient in basic nutrients are unable to withstand even the most trivial health challenges."

EV-D68 may be rare in comparison to its cousins the cold viruses, but the underlying principle is the same.  Children whose parents are providing good food and beverage choices and giving them sound nutritional supplementation are unlikely to experience a severe illness if they encounter the virus.  The key to avoiding or responding effectively to infections is maintaining a strong immune system.

Refined sugar has a paralyzing effect upon the body's immune system.  Seventy five to one hundred grams of sugar, the amount found in 1 ½ to 2 twelve ounce cans of soda, has been shown to cause a 40 to 50 % reduction in the ability of white blood cells to engulf invaders.  The effect is noted within 30 minutes of ingestion, peaks in 2 hours and lasts for up to 5 hours.  In contrast, eating fruits and vegetables increases the bodys resistance to infection by providing needed nutrients.

Shifting from carbonated beverages to water and from sugar-based snacks and desserts to fresh fruit is an excellent strategy for cold avoidance.  Milk and similar dairy products should be limited or avoided because of their tendency to thicken nasal secretions.  I have seen many infants and toddlers whose frequent colds and ear infections subsided with this single dietary restriction.

Regular and adequate rest, which I define as being able to awake without the need of an alarm, is necessary to maintain immune system function.  Moderate exercise such as a brisk walk can also boost the immune system and reduce the risk of viral infections.

Simple hand-washing has not been proven to reduce the number of colds at work or school, but using a disinfecting hand gel before eating and after using the restroom has been shown to reduce the number of colds by up to 50 percent.  The strategy should prove just as effective in preventing other viral infections, including EV-D68.
Nutritional supplementation is vital.  A comprehensive vitamin and mineral support should be taken daily.  Vitamins A and C are particularly important in supporting the bodys ability to respond to viral challenges.

If cold or flu symptoms, which are typical of EV-D68 infections appear start a viral blocking supplement such as Sambucol or Immunity Take Care.  These elderberry extracts are capable of coating viruses and preventing their reproduction in the body.  Beta glucan, colostrum, and herbs such as Echinacea can boost the bodys ability to respond to infections.  Viral illnesses rarely last longer than 48 hours when appropriate supportive measures are instituted at the onset of symptoms.

Have your cells shut down? The bombardment of chaotic electromagnetic frequencies such as cellular microwaves, wifi, smart meters, and broadcast waves is causing an unprecedented shut-down of cellular communication leading to insomnia, fatigue and poor immune function.


Bob Shoaf
(575) 491-4782

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