Wednesday, December 20, 2017

How To read a mind

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How to read a mind

How many times have you been burned? That's right. You thought you saw the light at the end of the tunnel, then BAM! Something turned it off. You found yourself holding the bag. Sound familiar?

What would have happened if you had the ability to properly analyze an opportunity before you decide to spend a dime? If that sounds like what you want, then you should check out what Paul & Ann Sorgi to say about what they've learned in Mentoring For Free. To read Paul & Ann's story, go to:

If you want to learn more about some of Success In Ten Steps' One-Two Punch, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart

Get personal growth training free forever download NOW -->>

Is Mentoring For Free really free? Not really. There is a catch!

With Mentoring For Free, you can get great training and coaching at no cost. That part is true and it is available to anyone:  the phone calls, the lead calls, the training calls. All are available to any person in any NWM company at any time for free. So yes, you can learn for free.

We encourage that. So what is the catch? Every person who benefits from Mentoring For Free is asked to pay it forward. And use their new knowledge to help their team and others.

We all volunteer our time to make a difference. If you don't understand why we should all volunteer our time, please refer to the book, "The Influencer: The Power To Change Anything".

When you read the methods of "The Influencer", you today, by changing the world, you'll be inspired also.

Make sure to read how the Delancey Street Foundation influenced the behavior by insisting every resident mentor the newest resident, even if they personally have only one more day experience.

So that's the catch! Mentoring For Free isn't free! It's free to learn, but we ask you to pass it on.
Learn how to predict your success in any company. Download NOW -->>

We have no competition in Social Media!

Most people think we are here to promote some deal,

but that is not true.

Our only agenda in Mentoring For Free is to pay it forward

and see how we can help a person by

teaching skills, skills, skills.

Skills a person needs to be successful when

creating an income from home.

To do that successfully, we must talk to each other,

so we require a valid phone number. Some don't want

to give their phone number and that is alright.

We can't help a person, if they are not COACHABLE.

To see our 4 Step plan we use to introduce people to

Mentoring For Free and our weekly call schedule

Download at

Have a pleasant day, everyday!

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