Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Frustrated with your MLM results? MLM Leads? Get free MLM Training!

Frustrated with your MLM results? 
MLM Leads? Get free MLM Training!

Anyone can follow in Tuula's footsteps.

Get lesson #1 here -->>

Most people who read that ebook, Success In 10 Steps, save years of failure and frustrations when trying to create an income from home. It has helped me tremendously as well as 1000's of others over the last 10+ years.

 Here is one example of those many 1000s.

Chapter 2 - Desire The Starting Point of all Achievement

When we begin to use the MFF System we meet a lot of people who are looking for help with their business.

Our purpose is to help the people who really want the help.  So how do we know who the ones are who really want help?

The four steps of the MFF System are there to show us who are really serious and who are just "tire kickers."

When we first begin, we expect everyone to walk through the system easily step by step and when that does not happen what we do also determines whether we are really serious or whether we are also "tire kickers". 

Do we let one person who does not answer our calls, one person who never reads the e-book,  one person who does not want to use the system, or one person who after being on the calls decides to quit, do we let them determine our outcome?

We all have a choice.  We can be influenced by assumptions of others or by assumptions of our own mind.  Just because people are people and people begin and quit things all the time does not mean something does not work. Most things work if we work them.

Is our desire strong enough to accept the fact that we are responsible for our own outcomes.  Our future is not determined by one or two people, our future is determined by what we think and what we are willing to do.

Because someone does not like what is said on a call, or because someone determined the System is not for them, does not mean things will not work for us.  What we will do is not their decision to make.  We are the only ones who decide what is right for us and if we take responsibility for it we will eventually succeed in anything we undertake.

How strong is our desire?  Is it strong enough that we would join 100 companies to figure it out?  Is it strong enough we would burn all our bridges?  Is it strong enough that we would take any menial job, just so we could be with the person we want to be in partnership with?  Is our desire strong enough that we would continue on even if everyone we knew told us we would fail? 

Are we one of the coachable serious players or are we one of the "tire Kickers"?


Get lesson #1 here -->>

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