Saturday, February 28, 2015

Let the system do the grunt work

Remember when you first heard, "Sales is a numbers game." Somebody said that to you because you had called 25 people with absolutely no success. What they meant was, "Keep on swinging. Eventually you'll hit one." Unfortunately, they did not have your best interest in mind. They wanted to keep you around a few more weeks before you gave up and they had to train another unknowing suspect.

With this thinking, if you want to make one sale, you've got to make 100 calls. Two sales, 200 calls. The problem with that is if you want to make 10 sales, you've got to make 1000 calls. Who has time to make that many calls? Can you see how this approach can limit you?

I believe in working smarter, not harder. Instead of grunt work, which is what cold prospecting is, wouldn't you rather spend your time talking with qualified prospects that need you and want you to call them?

Why on earth would you willingly spend your time searching under rocks for those people, and then begging them for a few minutes on the phone?

Would you rather be able to follow up with a prospect who has already contacted you and get most of them to spend time with you on the phone?

If you are tired of playing the numbers game and are ready to travel a road less traveled, then the Color To Success Training CD will show you the path.

To discover how you won't have to deal with the numbers, go to:

To Your Success,

Bob Shoaf
(575) 491-4782

PS: Being rejected 99 out of 100 times can have an impact on any one. The question is how many times can you handle rejection? Most people will do anything to avoid it. If you are ready to deal with prospects who are waiting for you to assist them, then get this Color To Success CD Training.

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Is Mentoring For Free really free? Not really. There is a catch!

With Mentoring For Free, you can get great training and coaching at no cost. That part is true and it is available to anyone:  the phone calls, the lead calls, the training calls. All are available to any person in any NWM company at any time for free. So yes, you can learn for free.

We encourage that. So what is the catch? Every person who benefits from Mentoring For Free is asked to pay it forward. And use their new knowledge to help their team and others.

We all volunteer our time to make a difference. If you don't understand why we should all volunteer our time, please refer to the book, "The Influencer: The Power To Change Anything".

When you read the methods of "The Influencer", you today, by changing the world, you'll be inspired also.

Make sure to read how the Delancey Street Foundation influenced the behavior by insisting every resident mentor the newest resident, even if they personally have only one more day experience.

So that's the catch! Mentoring For Free isn't free! It's free to learn, but we ask you to pass it on.

Get Lesson #1 here -->

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