Friday, June 1, 2018

Hot Feed and a Cold Check

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Hot Feed and a Cold Check

Bob & Anna Bassett travelled thousands of miles and even walked on fire. Their feet got warmer, but their check stayed cold.

They worked five long years in a "sponsor monster" money-swap company with a pay plan so poor they ended up with a re-mortgaged house, maxed-out credit cards and a bad case of the "What's Wrong With Me's?". Sound familiar?

In 2006, they read "Success In 10 Steps." Their business turned around immediately. To read their story, click here:

If you want to learn more about some of Success In Ten Steps' One-Two Punch, go to  You will see all the free stuff you will get and what some of the skills we teach so you can be successful. All free forever.

To Your Success,

Bob and Lucy Shoaf
(575) 415-8671 Cell
Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart

I hope you have had time to print it out and read the eBook, "Success In Ten Steps", which you requested a few days ago. it. Remember, there are only two things in life: reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

Why is Michael Providing Mentoring For Free for Free?

Why is Michael giving away Mentoring For Free training, for free and the heavy hitters aren't?  Most coaches in NWM have an agenda. They charge you, some as much as $50,000 and more. Back 10 years ago, these heavy hitting coaches wanted Michael Dlouhy to fail, because if Michael Dlouhy succeeded, he would make them look bad, really bad.

Why is Michael willing to do this free and they aren't? Because he can! The heavy hitters in the industry don't want the kind of competition Michael gives them. Mentoring For Free takes away from their cash cow.

We have no competition!

There have been quite a few who have tried to copy Mentoring For Free, but it always goes back into the money deal.  It's greed and ego. That's why they fail. They want to create a system like Mentoring For Free, but they figure out a way to monetize it. This is where the problem comes in.

If you haven't yet downloaded the ebook, here is the link:

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